Enhancing Heritage in the Abbey & Barking Town Centre Conservation Area

by | Jan 31, 2025 | 0 comments

© Purcell

© Purcell

Client: BeFirst / London Borough of Barking and Dagenham

Dates: 2019 – 2024

Budget: £1.8 million (£1.15 million National Lottery Heritage Fund grant)

Project: Enhancing Heritage in the Abbey & Barking Town Centre Conservation Area

The Abbey and Barking Town Centre Conservation Area is the largest designated conservation area in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD). To preserve and enhance its historic character, LBBD was awarded £1.15 million from the National Lottery Heritage Fund under the Townscape Heritage Initiative, contributing to a £1.8 million project aimed at restoring key Edwardian and Victorian buildings while strengthening the connections between Barking’s historic and commercial areas.

In addition to the physical restoration, the project implemented heritage engagement activities, including volunteering opportunities, work experience, and training placements in collaboration with a local college. Schools were involved in various heritage projects, and a conservation workshop offered hands-on learning experiences for the local community.

Alix Slater Consultancy & Training Ltd was appointed by BeFirst as the Evaluation Consultant, providing support to the project team throughout the process. We developed research instruments, advised on data collection methods, and analysed the data gathered by the team. Furthermore, we created interim reports to monitor progress and a final summative evaluation, which was submitted to The National Lottery Heritage Fund. The evaluation concentrated on the delivery process, identifying key lessons learned, and assessing the project’s impact against the original aims.

The evaluation illustrated the project’s success in preserving the area’s historic fabric, engaging local residents with their heritage, and enhancing public understanding of Barking’s history.