Alix’s experience of the heritage sector is excellent.

She did the HLF Activity Plan for us and this was an extraordinarily thorough document. We know, because HLF told us, that they completely took our bid to pieces looking for anything that didn’t stack up properly and could find nothing!

I am happy to recommend Alix Slater and would feel very confident in working with her again on other projects.

Mary Powell

Programme Manager, Historic Lincoln Projects

I have been researching membership schemes and members since 1999 and was awarded a Doctorate for my contribution to membership in cultural organisations.

I was one of the founding members of the Membership Management Forum and co-ordinated the network from 2005 to 2017 building its membership to over 400 professionals.

Most recently I have undertaken projects with the Southbank Centre to understand what motivates audiences to purchase membership and equally important to identify the constraints to membership, why some people who appear to have similar patterns of behaviour choose not to join.

With the Tate’s membership team, I explored members’ involvement with the Tate and brand.

This knowledge is transferred to my consultancy by working with clients on members’ surveys to better understand who members are, their behaviour and what they value, as part of membership reviews and audits, the development of membership packages and strategic planning.

Recent Membership Projects

Recent projects include working with The Audience Agency on Donor Finder, research for Dulwich Picture Gallery and the National Maritime Museum. Browse some other recent membership projects below.

Get in Touch

If you'd like to discuss your project and see how I can help you, simply fill in the form below, email or call me on 01628 788657 or 07956 455237.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.