Darlington Civic Theatre, Activity Plan for a HLF Round 2 application

Client: Darlington Borough Council
Dates: 2015
Budget: £4.5 million / Interpretation £120K
Project: Darlington Civic Theatre, Activity Plan for a HLF Round 2 application
I was commissioned by Darlington Borough Council to work with the Theatre Director and project team to develop an Activity Plan for a £4.5m capital project to restore Darlington Civic Theatre, a Grade II Listed, Edwardian theatre to its former glory.
I brought together a number of earlier pieces of work which had been undertaken and working with the Director developed these ideas, ensuring that we built on the Theatre’s current successes and vision.
I also developed an online survey which the theatre sent out to a range of stakeholders and took to community events as part of their community consultation.
I then brought everything together in a HLF compliant Activity Plan for the Round 2 submission which encompassed learning, heritage skills training, volunteering and evaluation.
The project secured a Round 2 pass in Spring 2016.