Evidence base to support an arts and cultural services strategy
Client: South Kesteven District Council
Dates: 2011
Budget: N/A
Project description: Evidence base to support and arts and cultural services strategy
South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) was reviewing their arts and cultural strategy as part of their strategic planning process. Although savings needed to be made, there was recognition of the potential for arts and culture to support the Council’s economic and social ambitions for the area, in particular Grantham, a growth point.
I was brought in by the main consultant team Mouchel to provide an evidence base to enable SKDC to understand the opportunities for developing the service, identifying what the core offer should be, the benefits of doing so and the needs of SKDC’s communities.
I undertook primary and secondary research including meetings with stakeholders, reviews of booking patterns at two arts centres, a literature review of policy at a national and regional level and draw together relevant case studies which the Council could learn from. The main output from the study was an evidence based document to support the Council’s future arts and cultural services strategy which identified a much richer heritage and arts offer than previously recognised as much of it was being delivered by third parties and suggestions as to how the Council might deliver their future strategy.